Remedy for Broken Relationship in Astrology

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When we go through a difficult time in life or break up in a relationship and feel sorrow, we need to remind ourselves that the universe is not hurting us, but is trying to change within us. But often change starts ruthlessly in order to take things away from us, we feel we need the most or we love the most. Not only did the difficult situations blow our relationships away, but they give us some glimpses into our own "bad behavior" and we need to improve. So what can we do when our wounds, our ugly, or when our unpleasant feelings arise?

Healing work begins beneath the surface of consciousness, just as a physical wound exits inside. We can be wise to treat this wound in the same manner as any other wound. Here are some things to consider:

1: Take your time. When you are injured you stop. Just like you go to bed when you are sick, just like when you are "heartbroken". Your energy for questions and grief flows inward, giving you very little energy for anything else. Give yourself a break, slow down, and take care of your basic needs: food, rest, and basic self-care.

2: Try to know what the problem is: Does your hard time tell you anything? Is this the final wound of a broken relationship, (as Saturn transits over your natal Venus) How do you describe the situation, how long have you had it, and how did you get it? The injured heart often needs some time to recover, you can do some of these things.

3: Make a good plan for yourself: Apply something to soothe the pain. Find the healer inside you. This inner healer is, at this time, probably speaking with a voice of divine power. Your own spontaneous therapist may say that you have to write it down, paint it, cry or anger it, or simply clean your house with a passion. Let your inner Saturn remain as a healer, although things have changed, but they are moving in new directions with new possibilities. You may benefit from being away from your home or circle of friends for some time. Go for a retreat or vacation to some place where you can get perspective. Even a day away, or something to break the familiar routine, can help.

Consider surrounding yourself with things that instinctively hold inspirational energy, or simply things you love, colors, plants, and enjoy your time with nature, to overcome your depression There is a good way. It can allow yourself things that you have denied yourself. Why not put yourself in a dog, fresh flowers, a musical instrument, or whatever. After the divorce, many people hated double-bed loneliness. So they can bring anything like an aquarium and are happy to see fishes. Consider what lessons or insights can be gained and be open to the idea of ​​how this experience can generate new possibilities for you. Move beyond shame and blame. Find out what was unconscious and invisible in the relationship. Keep clearing your fear, anger and jealousy. It hurts, but you need to understand the role played in this wound so that it is not repeated in the future. During difficult times we often recapture to obsessive-compulsive copulation patterns, so by accepting your anger and your less-than-perfect behavior, you cleanse the wound with a level of in-depth understanding.

4: Make a Plan: Planning is your approach and your treatment therapy. This will be temporary and will have to be changed. Stay with your plan even when it is difficult. If you expose your former partner again you rejoin the game of shame / blame. Until you expose yourself to this wound with someone who can help you.

5: Give yourself time to heal: Save your heart from the sometimes poisonous advice of well-meaning friends, and resist the urge to expose your vulnerability to the world. So be patient and pace yourself. Can you create some set routines and "dates" in your week? It can be so easy to know on which days you can go to yoga, gym and walk for 20 minutes in the morning. Every Saturday night you can go to dinner with friends, and every Sunday night you can call someone you trust for a warm talk. Keep the schedule in one place. If you feel the need. Like all wounds, complete healing takes time, but we do not have to suffer continuous damage. Cultivate confidence in yourself, that you are cute and we can love again. Trust in this process, forgive yourself if you are not right, over time you will see that the wound is healing below the surface.

6: Naturopathy for depression: Eat plenty of fresh juices, green vegetables and sprouted grains. Alfalfa and moong dal, if you like it, you can have cheese and butter milk. Take fresh lettuce, celery, grape fruit, or apple juice before going to bed at night.

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